When I was a little girl, I told my mother that I would never dye my hair. She dyed hers all of the time. She was a beautician and worked at this little German hair salon where little old gray hair ladies would slowly shuffle in and they would all leave looking the same. Same poofy hair style and same dark hair color. It's like my mother only knew one style. God knows she couldn't cut a straight line. You just have to look at every single elementary school pic of me and my sis to know that. BUT they all loved her because she could schmooze with the best of them. She made them look and feel young again.
Some days I would help her dye her own hair - rolling my eyes because she did it almost every other week. That just seemed so harmful and wasteful.
When I graduated college I noticed a few gray hairs on my head. I had the big puffy hair of the late 80s early 90s so I could hide them and didn't give them a second thought.
Today L'oreal and I are besties. I might actually own stock in the company. I have to plan events around the root touch ups because I am probably half gray. My mom loves to point that out every time I see her. Of couse it's usually every two weeks and for some reason, my hair always looks a different color to her...