Right now I'm trying to get my character out of the skies and onto land. Writing first person is hard for a lot of people and I totally get it. You have to be very specific and have zero assumptions. At least in third person, you can write the characters into the next room, scene, whatever. First person, you have to hold their hand and get them from point A to point B. Once my character gets to the airport, I will be writing up a storm. Right now I am trying to kill time with her up in the air. The flight from Philadephia to Ireland is quite long. So, now I am struggling with what to say. One of my good writer friends always tries to introduce an alien into my books. While the possibilities are endless with the addition of an alien, the romance kind of dies. I really like romance and building up the tension of my characters. Think back to the last relationship you had or the one you are in right now. Remember in the beginning how fantastic it was - the emotions, the butterflies, the amazing sex? That's my favorite thing to write about. Unfortunately, I have to write the before and after as well. That's when I struggle. Plot development isn't my strong point. Relationship struggles? Oh yeah, I'm totally there beside my characters feeling and recording their angst, emotions, etc.
So, as a writer, I spend a lot of time being quiet. The voices inside my head are screaming and trying to get me focused, but it doesn't always work. So if you see me with a complete blank look on my face, know that on the inside I'm having a ton of conversations with all different characters and trying to get them where they need to be.