Basically my blog went like this...
2020 blows. I struggled with a lot of personal issues AND the added bonus of dealing with a pandemic and book deadlines and working a full time job. My mom's kidneys are failing so after the holidays, she'll start dialysis. I offered up a kidney but she won't take it. I told her I could take it back when she's done with it, but she doesn't want to take a kidney from somebody she knows. We'll see. That's a battle for after the holidays. My father had surgery 2x for skin cancer. The first resulted in 66 staples in his head. The second surgery was on his forehead and I told him to tell his doctor not to give him a scar like Harry Potter (FU JK Rowling) and instead, it resembles the Taj Mahal. Phew! That was close. Now they are treating the melanoma on his face with an acid-like wash that he'll have to do for two months. Here's a PSA: Wear sunscreen. My dad played golf his entire life with very little sunscreen and he's suffering for it now.
Surprisingly, and possibly because of the election outcome and the fact that we might have a vaccine for COVID19 sooner than later, I'm in a better place now even though the world feels like it's imploding. I'm probably right, but I think I'm going to at least get a few more books out. I've written/edited 3 books since the pandemic started and it hasn't been easy AT ALL. The crushing weight of my anxiety had me question and second guess every word on the page, but with the help of my incredible editor, Ash, we got it done. Home (out now) is the floofiest floofy book I've ever written and I needed it. I needed the sweetness and the comfort of that story to get through the heaviness of muddling through a pandemic and the massive changes we all faced (and still face). Scent was a hot mess that required more edits than any of my previous books (besides Jolt) and I'm very happy with the final product. It's the 4th in the sensory series and I think my readers will enjoy it as much as the others. I also finished Brit Ryder's full length erotica romance Not Guilty and I took the extra month my editor gave me and came up with an ending 4 days before it was due. I don't know how that one will turn out, but I'm sure with Ash at the helm, it will be entertaining if nothing else. I mean, it's Shameless told from the other MC's perspective. It's before, during, and after Shameless so it's meatier, sexier, and has a kick to it.
I've been binge-watching all the shows, eating all the leftover Halloween candy, and shucking a lot of my responsibilities because this is the new me. You know what the new me found? A passion for politics. 2020 is such a turning point in USA history and I wonder if people really understand the magnitude of this election. It truly is everything. 2020 might be shittiest of shitty years, but it's a turning point for this country and I'm proud to be a part of it. A part of the change. And I'm just getting started.