Without fail, once a day, somebody posts a sad animal story on their Facebook page. I have to quickly scroll by it before my brain picks up on it. I hate animal abuse. I hate people pointing it out to me, too. All of my pets have been strays. Not even from shelters. Straight life-on-the streets strays. Two cats and a dog. Whenever I see a loose animal, I mentally have it in my house before I can even catch it. Perhaps I'm chasing them. Twice I've rescued dogs in my neighborhood and found their parents. When I found Molly I didn't even try. She was going to be my baby no matter what. Her previous parents were horrible to her. After I nursed her back to health I walked her all over the neighborhood. I wanted to show the world that she is wonderful and deserves love. If her old parents saw her and approached me I was going to punch them in the throat. Without hesitation.
I use my Facebook as a social media place and put fun statuses and maybe a cute video or two. I don't point out the ugly side of people and how they abuse animals. We all know there are complete assholes so why acknowledge them? Why give them press? So in my world, animals are loved and respected and pets are family members who share my bed, the couch and my love.